You may use your monthly credit towards a facial treatment. Please note there will be an additional $25 charge at completion of treatment for product usage.
You may use your monthly credit towards a facial treatment. Please note there will be an additional $25 charge at completion of treatment for product usage.
Take advantage of your membership rate for any extra massage therapy sessions you come in for in the same month.
Recurring Charge Date
Your card will be charged once a month on the day you sign up for the membership.
Any unused accrued sessions expire and are forfeited if not used within 30 days of membership cancellation.
One billing cycle notice is required for cancellation of membership.
You may freeze your account at any time. Sessions cannot be used while account is frozen. During frozen period, a $8 charge is applied monthly to keep your account in good standing. One reactivated you will have a credit of those accrued monthly charges.